
We are working in Colombia to reduce malnutrition and social exclusion; to help with the economic recovery of people in vulnerable situations; to support the labor integration of people with visual impairments, and to deliver healthcare material.
Malnutrition and basic food needs
In Colombia we have set up the Fundación MAPFRE Food Fund which aims to provide high quality nutritional supplements for undernourished children of up to ten years of age. The supplements are delivered to the beneficiaries every fortnight for six months, using a food box that also contains an educational toy for the children. This action is undertaken in collaboration with the Bienestar Familiar Foundation.
To protect people’s right to food and health, and in collaboration with the Alliance for Solidarity, we are delivering food packages, protective kits, institutional disinfectant kits and medical equipment worth 200,000 euros in the city of Bogota and five municipalities of Cundinamarca (Soacha, Zipaquirá, Madrid, Mosquera and Chía).
In addition, food packages worth 300,000 euros are being provided for families with priority needs over a three-month period in the regions that have been most badly affected by COVID-19. With this action, carried out in conjunction with ABACO (Colombia Food Bank), it is estimated that 4,500 families will benefit, equivalent to some 18,000 people.
Employability, training and entrepreneurship for women
We want to help the economic recovery of people in vulnerable situations, with a particular emphasis on women, who often do not have sufficient income to feed their families. More than 220,000 euros will be allocated to this action.
Social inclusion and disability
In collaboration with the FOAL Foundation, we are launching an action to integrate eight people with visual impairments in jobs through a three-month training course for each country, plus eight three-month internships in local companies, leading to the adaptation of job positions for the interns in question.
Medical supplies and protective and rehabilitation material
We supplied 10 hospital beds for treating COVID-19 patients to the Cardioinfantil Foundation. In collaboration with the Palmira Clinic, we purchased medical supplies (six high-flow ventilators and six five-parameter monitors), which have expanded the healthcare capacity for COVID-19 patients.
We also acquired the necessary medical supplies to address the need for oxygen and transport for COVID-19 patients. In collaboration with the San Martín de Porres Chocontá Hospital, we supplied ten portable oxygen regulators and five oxygen regulators with CGA connectors for 6 m3 isolation capsules, among other materials.