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From Infinite to zero. This is how we did it

From Infinite to zero. This is how we did it

The book From Infinite to Zero. This is how we did it, which will be presented on June 16th, is the largest collective reflection in recent years on everything that has been done and all that remains to be done to achieve the goal of zero fatalities and serious casualties in the near future.

A new life at 30 km/h

A new life at 30 km/h

On May 11, the new speed limits for driving on urban roads will come into force in Spain, a decrease in speed that aims to build friendlier cities, where all road users can coexist safely. We tell you the details of the new urban mobility.

A shared space

A shared space

Cities are adopting new mobility formulas to allow all users to use public roads in an integrated manner. No matter how you get around, whether you are a pedestrian or a driver, whether you use your own vehicle or public transport, the city is a space in which we must all coexist and circulate safely.

By remembering we can ensure that there are no more victims

By remembering we can ensure that there are no more victims

Future plans and dreams that will never come true, loved ones that we will never see again. The consequences of not being responsible, recklessness or speeding are irreparable. On the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims we remember the victims, with names and surnames, to prevent repeating so much pain.

What is a roll bar and what is it for?

What is a roll bar and what is it for?

The protection frame is a fundamental element, the main objective of which is to prevent the child from being thrown against the back of the seat when facing backwards in the event of a collision or sudden braking.

Driving a motorhome: more than just a means of travel

Driving a motorhome: more than just a means of travel

For many years now, motorhomes have been attracting increasing numbers of enthusiasts, and in recent times this trend has really taken off. Motorhomes offer independence while at the same time making it easy to keep a distance from other travelers. What more could you ask for? We reveal some of the keys to this way of travelling, which has now become a whole philosophy of life.