Here are some safety recommendations that are important for a safe trip.
220 results
Anti-rebound systems, a safety element
Do you know how child seat anti-rebound systems work? To understand this, it is important to first define the phases of an impact so that we can understand how the systems that try to reduce the effects of an impact behave.
A seat for Paula
All children are not the same, and our vehicles do not all have the same characteristics. The important thing is that the choice of the car seat they are going to travel in is appropriate for their safety.
Baby carriers: reclining or non-reclining?
In recent times, baby carriers, often referred to as MAXICOSIs, that offer the possibility of reclining the backrest, allowing the baby to adopt a more comfortable position, have been appearing on the market. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of the systems that offer this option.
The fourth anchor point
In view of the doubts raised by the fourth anchor point fitted in an increasing number of booster seats, we explain all its technical characteristics and its possible benefits.
The most common collision
Understanding the difference between a crash and a collision is essential to understanding which the most common collision is, and which is the most damaging.
Survival space
In the event of a traffic accident, the actions we have taken when installing the child seat and putting the child in it, will determine the survival space and, therefore, the consequences it may have for our child.
The golden hour
The golden hour is a familiar concept to emergency crews, but is largely unknown to road users. Awareness of this and the information to be communicated can save lives. We explain what you should do in the event of an accident.
Do you know what the Compatibility List is?
To choose the best seat for your baby, it is important that you look at the compatibility list, a booklet attached to the instruction manual of the car seat that lists the vehicle makes and seats compatible with the car seat you want to buy. Consult it and get professional advice to make sure you get the right car seat for your child.
Next-generation booster seats
Various studies carried out in the last ten years have improved people’s opinions of this type of device, which over time has been adapted to safety needs. Today, they are considered an adequate system for protecting a child in a vehicle.
Mechanisms for safer living
Keeping your bike in top condition, clean, serviced and well-oiled, is the first rule that every cyclist should obey. If you do this regularly, you will extend its useful life and improve your safety, while reducing the likelihood of breakdowns.
Cycling safely in the city
The statistics say it all. The use of bicycles as a way of getting around our cities has increased greatly following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growth of bikesharing schemes. We tell you how to cycle safely around the city.
Which car seat should I buy?
The arrival of a baby at home is always a cause for joy, but also for concern, especially when it is your first child. We help you to resolve some of the doubts that may arise in relation to their health, development and safety.
Everything you need to know about CRS
We are very used to using child seats in cars, but, in general, we are unaware of their function, what they can offer us, and what benefits they provide in terms of our children’s safety when we use them in the car.
More visible, much safer
The results of the report “Focus while driving: cyclists invisible to drivers”, carried out in 2019 by Fundación MAPFRE and Bosch España, show the way to increase the safety of cyclists.
The mobility of the future
42 of the proposals that we have taken to the Road Safety Commission of the House of Representatives have been incorporated into the final report on the future strategy for safe, healthy and sustainable mobility in our country.
Streets for life
Restoring harmony between all road users is a dream that is gradually becoming a reality. The #Streetsforlife campaign was launched to help achieve this.