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Airbag seats, a revolution in continuous evolution

Airbag seats, a revolution in continuous evolution

Why don’t CRS have airbags like cars do? Since there are currently car seat models on the Spanish market that use this technology in a very similar way, we will explain what is involved in using an airbag with a child seat and the challenges that the manufacturers who use them with children’s car seats have had to face.

Multi-group seats: a wise purchase?

Multi-group seats: a wise purchase?

Child car seats are products designed to prevent injury (or even loss of life) to the occupant in the event of a sudden stop or traffic accident. For this reason, we must spend time making the right choice.

What are impact shields?

What are impact shields?

Impact shields are a part of a certain type of car seat that is placed over the child’s legs and secured either by the vehicle’s seat belt or by the belt on the impact shield itself. In this article we tell you how they work and how safe they are compared to other systems.

Defining the mobility of the future

Defining the mobility of the future

For three days, the Global Mobility Call, the first sustainable mobility conference designed to position Spain as a benchmark in this field, brought together in Madrid the leaders of the new mobility ecosystem. Our experts took part in forums and round tables with more than 300 participants from all over the world.

The Spanish Parliament’s Road Safety Commission endorses the European Road Safety Charter

The Spanish Parliament’s Road Safety Commission endorses the European Road Safety Charter

Seeking to promote new road safety and sustainable mobility policies worldwide, in 2004 the European Commission launched the European Road Safety Charter, an initiative that all organisations working in this field can support. By endorsing the charter, organisations can contact other institutes with which they can share best practices, receive information and take part in the Road Safety Excellence Awards, among other benefits.

Do child car seats expire?

Do child car seats expire?

In general, when we purchase a child restraint system, we do not ask how long it will last or if it will deteriorate over time. We assume that we can use it indefinitely, forgetting that this restraint system is essential for the safety of our children.

How to travel safely with 3 children

How to travel safely with 3 children

The arrival of a new family member always brings changes to the family environment: we have to prepare a room, buy everything we need and, especially when it is the third child, we must prepare for a new kind of mobility.

What is submarining?

What is submarining?

Much has been written about submarining, but in most cases this effect is addressed in terms of the consequences and the technical explanation of how it occurs, and not in terms of the actions we should take to avoid it or minimize it as much as possible.

Anti-rebound systems, a safety element

Anti-rebound systems, a safety element

Do you know how child seat anti-rebound systems work? To understand this, it is important to first define the phases of an impact so that we can understand how the systems that try to reduce the effects of an impact behave.

A seat for Paula

A seat for Paula

All children are not the same, and our vehicles do not all have the same characteristics. The important thing is that the choice of the car seat they are going to travel in is appropriate for their safety.

Baby carriers: reclining or non-reclining?

Baby carriers: reclining or non-reclining?

In recent times, baby carriers, often referred to as MAXICOSIs, that offer the possibility of reclining the backrest, allowing the baby to adopt a more comfortable position, have been appearing on the market. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of the systems that offer this option.

The fourth anchor point

The fourth anchor point

In view of the doubts raised by the fourth anchor point fitted in an increasing number of booster seats, we explain all its technical characteristics and its possible benefits.

The most common collision

The most common collision

Understanding the difference between a crash and a collision is essential to understanding which the most common collision is, and which is the most damaging.