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Keys to choosing a child seat

Keys to choosing a child seat

Choosing a child seat is a complicated task, since this is a product designed to act efficiently in that split second when everything is at stake. In this article we will try to give you some guidelines so that you can make the best decision.

Crash-test dummies: similarities and differences

Crash-test dummies: similarities and differences

Anthropomorphic figures, the so-called crash-test dummies, are used to test the strength and “data” of child car seats. In this article we tell you why they are useful, how they are similar to real children, and also what their limitations are.

Weight limits on child seats

Weight limits on child seats

Child seats approved according to the new Regulation 129 have changed the way they are categorized, from weight to height. Now we should no longer talk about “up to 18 kg” but “up to 105 cm”. We explain this below.

Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law

John Paul Stapp is known as one of the fathers of impact biomechanics in which he applied Murphy’s maxim, ” If something can go wrong, it will”. To this day, Murphy’s law, namely the theory of defensive design, continues to be applied, especially in the development of life-saving products.

Children with special needs

Children with special needs

We analyze the options available on the market to guarantee that children with special needs, whether this is temporary or permanent, are safe in the car.

Shoulder protectors

Shoulder protectors

We review the function, importance and correct use of the shoulder protectors that are attached to the harness in child seats.

Is the reclining angle important?

Is the reclining angle important?

It is in the first few months of life, when we transport our baby facing backwards, that the reclining angle is vital, as there is an important relationship between the tilt and the child’s safety.