In view of COVID-19, three precautionary measures and a lot of common sense
How to act to prevent the spread of a coronavirus

The World Health Organization has confirmed that the expansion of COVID-19 is a pandemic. With this statement, this institution is not recognizing the seriousness of the disease, but rather is seeking appropriate measures to be taken in view of the rapid spread of the virus throughout the world and to coordinate the health networks of different countries in order to standardize treatment, quarantine and awareness programs.
At the moment, and according to the latest data, the coronavirus COVID-19 has a mortality rate of between 2% and 4% in Wuhan, while outside this city area the percentage reduces to 0.7%. To give an idea of the scope of these figures, the flu in Spain in 2018-2019 had a mortality rate of 1.1%
For the time being, the data reveals that it is not necessary for us to buy masks or to be suspicious of all the people who approach us. According to the experts’ and authorities’ opinions, it is simply time to take certain precautionary measures (PDF 394 KB). According to Semes (Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine), the measures to be followed are the following:

Wash your hands often: with soap and water. This is especially important after going to the toilet, touching animals, sneezing or being in contact with sick people or their environment. Remember to always do this before handling food or eating.

Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, with your arm bent or with a tissue, and then wash your hands.

Keep within 3 feet of others if you have a cough or fever and avoid close contact with people with these symptoms.

Follow the recommendations of the authorities and apply common sense. This will give you peace of mind.