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Mexico: a historic donation to eradicate hunger

Mexico: a historic donation to eradicate hunger

Food shortages and malnutrition remain major obstacles to achieving sustainable development.Aware of the fact that the pandemic has deeply impacted hunger levels in Mexico, we have made our largest donation yet in this country – 25 million pesos – to the Mexican Food Bank Network.

Biscuits filled with hope

Biscuits filled with hope

Nine social entities of the Sé Solidario project received 28,800 nutritional biscuits, enriched with vitamins and minerals at our headquarters in Recoletos Street in Madrid on Monday 27 September.

Today, we are all inhabitants of La Palma

Today, we are all inhabitants of La Palma

Since the Cumbre Vieja volcano started erupting on September 20 on the island of La Palma, the lava flow has destroyed hundreds of houses, erased numerous farms and smallholdings, and left thousands of people homeless. Fundación MAPFRE sends them our heartfelt solidarity.

Health travels by boat

Health travels by boat

For many of the people living in the heart of the Amazon rainforest – the world’s largest – it is impossible to get an antigen test, an essential tool in the fight against COVID-19. This first Scientific Mission managed to conduct more than one thousand tests between August 3 and 25.

Enter for the KBr Photo Award

Enter for the KBr Photo Award

We continue to be committed to artistic creation, which is why we’re extending the deadline for you to give a boost to your unpublished photography project to September 24. Enter now and you could be putting your creative efforts on an international stage.

More antigen tests in September

More antigen tests in September

Despite being a vacation month, the testing facility at the Wizink Center carried out more than 19,000 antigen tests on the people of Madrid in August. The success of this initiative has encouraged us to extend the service through to September 30.

Backpacks of Smiles

Backpacks of Smiles

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation of many families living in conditions of extreme vulnerability. To help alleviate the consequences of this health and social crisis, we are involved in the ‘Mochilas de Sonrisas’ (Backpacks of Smiles) program of the Nutritional Education and Recovery Center (CREN) in the state of Alagoas.

Start up your own Community Foundation

Start up your own Community Foundation

If you’ve got an idea for improving the lives of people in your community, or if you think you can find a solution to local problems, you now have a great opportunity to start up a Community Foundation that promotes initiatives of common interest.

How to withstand the heat

How to withstand the heat

Like every year, in the month of July the thermometer rises and we all suffer the damaging effects of excess heat. With these tips you will learn to better withstand high temperatures.

Wings for Butterfly Skin Disease

Wings for Butterfly Skin Disease

We support the work of this NGO in its determination to improve the lives of people with ‘butterfly skin’, a rare and very painful genetic disease for which a cure has yet to be found. Today we are proud to receive their thanks for this support.

Here’s to a less smartphone-dependent summer!

Here’s to a less smartphone-dependent summer!

The summer season involves a change of rhythms and routines that can be used to instill more sustainable habits. With this campaign, we’re suggesting some little tricks you can introduce straight away to help fight the tendency to overuse your smartphone.

ARCO 2021 strengthens the beat of the city’s pulse

ARCO 2021 strengthens the beat of the city’s pulse

Madrid throws open the door to art and art collecting with ARCO 2021, an edition that this year is being held exceptionally between July 7 and 11. Some 130 galleries from 26 countries are coming to swell the city’s cultural offer. To mark the occasion and show our support for the week in which Contemporary Art is the main protagonist, Fundación MAPFRE is extending its exhibition opening hours until 10pm on Friday, July 9.