440 results
Lecture Series ‘Return to Beauty. Masterpieces of Italian art from between the wars’
If you liked our exhibition ‘Return to Beauty. Masterpieces of Italian art from between the wars’ or you are thinking of visiting us, you should not miss the series of lectures we have put together to provide you with a more in-depth knowledge of the Novecento Italiano, its artists and the return to order characterized by this period of the 20th century.
We are committed to a future full of opportunities for young people
Fundación Mahou San Miguel and the Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad have granted the I Premio al Impulso Juvenil (1st Award to Youth Incentive).
The consequences of traveling in a child seat wearing an overcoat
The speed and convenience of putting children directly into their child restraint system without removing their overcoat could lead us into making a big mistake.
Disability and traffic accidents among children
On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disabilities, we insist on the influence that traffic accidents have on the disability of children.
The Solidarity Concert, one of the highlights of 2016
Success, joy, generosity. Takings at the Solidarity Concert came to nearly 10,000 euros which all go to the organizations Manos Unidas and Aldeas Infantiles.
New-born babies and traffic accidents
Children and new-born babies should not appear in these figures. Regrettably, however, babies can also be involved in traffic accidents.
How should children with hypotonia travel?
Hypotonia affects the child’s posture and positioning in the child car seat. For more information visit Fundación MAPFRE’s website.
What is the best way for children to avoid the dreaded whiplash injuries?
Neck injuries are the most common in children under two years of age who are involved in traffic accidents, according to the DGT.
Things you should never do when driving while pregnant
In the guide Infant and child safety in cars: child car seats”, you will find advice for the pregnancy and, most importantly, after the child is born.
Child Road Safety in public transport
Since prevention is key, if you are going to travel by bus with children, whether on city or intercity buses, we recommend reading this article.
Tips and advice for safer school transportation
The safety of a child is paramount and on school transportation, it is no exception. If you have any questions, our section “The Expert Answers” will provide the answers.
Comprehensive education for all!
Developing Communities is our international development cooperation program aimed primarily at children and young people at risk of social exclusion.
When should I make the definite move to a seat belt?
As the child grows, you move from using a child restraint system with a harness to a booster seat, and finally on to using an adult seat belt.
More than one billion people are in a situation of desperate need. Together we can help them.
Fundación MAPFRE has been running international cooperation projects for more than 40 years. We need your help to reach out even further!
How children should travel in vans
Children may not ride in the front seats unless all the rear seats are occupied by other children. But this law has its exceptions.
These are the different ways of fixing a child seat in a rear-facing position
The safest position for children to travel in a child seat in a car is rear-facing.
Travelling by car with children with autism
When children have a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), there are certain peculiarities to be taken into account that lead to increased stress.