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Leaders of the future

Leaders of the future

Eighth grade students from the Excel Academy East Boston school spent a day at the offices of MAPFRE USA thanks to an agreement between Fundación MAPFRE and Teach For America that allows children growing up in low-income communities to have access to quality education.

Zuloaga in Belle Époque Paris

Zuloaga in Belle Époque Paris

If you have still not been able to visit Paris of the Belle Époque and Zuloaga, you have until 7 January to discover it at our exhibition in the Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Gallery and to experience this journey for yourself.

Hell According to Rodin

Hell According to Rodin

Have you still not visited our exhibition in Barcelona? Come and discover how this icon of 19th century art was created.
Until 28 January, at the Fundación MAPFRE Casa Garriga Nogués exhibition hall in Barcelona, you can visit the exhibition dedicated to the work of the sculptor Auguste Rodin, and specifically how The Gates of Hell developed over time.

Nicholas Nixon

Nicholas Nixon

On 14 September we open the doors to Spain’s first major retrospective dedicated to the work of the photographer Nicholas Nixon. More than 200 photographs give us an insight into the life and career of this great North American artist.