430 results
Infographic: how to properly secure a child in a child car seat
In this infographic we cover the different ways of securing a child in a child car seat: with a harness or a seat belt. And we look at the advantages of rear-facing child seats.
Join us on European Cardiac Arrest Awareness Day
Would you know what to do if someone was suffering cardiac arrest? Acting quickly is vital. Learn how to do it. Become part of a society that saves lives.
The dangers of children having tablets, screens or cell phones in their child seats
It is not enough to secure any loose objects, you must also know where to place them. The back or the front of a headrest is not the most suitable place.
Technology that saves lives
We analyze the impact of using new vehicle safety systems in the conference entitled “On the path to safety as standard in all vehicles”.
Choose the most suitable child restraint system for your children
We know that to take our children in the car you have to install a child restraint system appropriate to their characteristics, but what seat? And, above all, is there any more secure? Let yourself be advised, we help you with the most important choice.
Shomei Tomatsu: Shinjuku
Tomatsu sums up the complexity of the times that Japanese society lived through in the 1960s with just one image. This video transmits to us the tense atmosphere captured by the artist.
How should a newborn baby travel on different forms of transport?
Regardless of the method of transport you choose, the safety of newborn babies is of vital importance.
Tomatsu and the sea of Okinawa
Tomatsu discovered that in spite of the American occupation, Okinawa had maintained the true essence of its age-old culture. With this video about his work The Sea of Aka, Okinawa, we are able to share in the artist’s excitement about the colors, tones and intense light of this southern region of Japan.
The importance of keeping children hydrated on journeys
Cuando se viaja en coche hay que tener en cuenta la cantidad de líquido que necesitan los más pequeños, ya que tienen más facilidades para deshidratarse.
Recognition for work that epitomizes our DNA
Our Corporate Social Responsibility program won one of the 12 prizes granted by the business excellence magazine, Dirigentes.
A year of solidarity
In 2017, our Volunteer Program established itself as a tool for social change. Thanks to our 7,333 volunteers, we carried out 1,200 activities in 26 countries that benefited more than three million people.
Faces of Frida, a new on-line exhibition on Google Arts & Culture
The exhibition allows us virtual access to a collection of over 800 pieces, including Frida’s Bathroom, by Graciela Iturbide, belonging to our collection.
Miró on poetry to celebrate International Museum Day
On 18th May, International Museum Day, you can’t miss out on the poetry in our Miró Space. An different experience to decipher the artist’s symbols of the universe.
We say farewell to Van der Elsken’s impetus
The retrospective exhibition dedicated to Van der Elsken ends on 20th May. Are you going to miss out?
S.O.S. RESPIRA recognized with an award from Spanish chefs
FACYRE, the Federation of Cooks and Pastry Chefs of Spain, presented us with the Cubi Award in the category of Company Committed to Gastronomy for our S.O.S. RESPIRA campaign.
Picasso and Miró
Malta is the chosen setting for an encounter between two of the great masters, Picasso and Miró. The exhibition Picasso and Miró, The Flesh and the Spirit brings together, for the first time, 144 pieces by these two giants of 20th century art.
Fundación MAPFRE among Spain’s six leading solidarity organizations
Forbes Magazine has included us among the six Spanish companies that allocate most funding to social initiatives through donations.