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The heart and soul of the project: changing the lives of patients with spinal cord injuries

The heart and soul of the project: changing the lives of patients with spinal cord injuries

More than twenty years ago, Fundación MAPFRE supported the initiative of Dr. Vaquero’s research team to start a clinical trial for the treatment of spinal cord injuries with stem cells. Today, the drug NC1, produced by this team at Hospital Puerta de Hierro, has been authorized by the Spanish Agency for Medicines. Patients with spinal cord injuries will be able to improve their quality of life.

The bugaMAP girls are fighters

The bugaMAP girls are fighters

Five students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona) have won the 1st BugaMAP Catalonia and the Balearic Islands University Championship. A total of five teams from universities in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands participated in the competition.

Berenice Abbott on the screen

Berenice Abbott on the screen

Through the life, experiences and work of Berenice Abbot, this documentary offers us a modern and avant-garde vision of the 20th century. Discover the captivating work of this great American photographer. See it a Filmoteca de Catalunya.

Books to change lives

Books to change lives

Thanks to your stories, we are going to be able to bring hope to hundreds of children, helping them to transform their reality and imagine a future.

Berenice Abbott and New York

Berenice Abbott and New York

Through the lens of Berenice Abbott, New York opens its doors wide to reveal to us its most unpredictable side. Learn more about it.

Anthony Hernandez, an unlikely photographer

Anthony Hernandez, an unlikely photographer

“For Antony Hernandez, everything really means everything: a chair made with broken drywall, a fishing place where one might not want to eat the catch, a platinum-colored wig… And everything means everyone: a woman with flowers in her hair, a man with a boxer’s broken face, an office worker alone at noon with a book…” Robert Adams.

International Volunteering Day

International Volunteering Day

We join in to the recognition that the whole world makes today of the work of those people who, altruistically, dedicate their effort and time to helping others. They are the volunteers. From here we thank you.

Marseille, always Marseille

Marseille, always Marseille

Marseille and its light, the old port, the boats, the narrow streets and the vibrant colors. Artists at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century found a source of inspiration in the city, an intense light which they sought to reflect on their canvases.

A fascination for the Mediterranean

A fascination for the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean offered painters from the turn of the 20th century a space suffused with light and color and a place of artistic freedom which ushered in the creation and development of modern art. Come and discover the radiant light of the Mediterranean and its landscapes.