430 results
Anchors and locks in child restraint systems
The Child Restraint Systems currently available on the market have different solutions with respect to anchors and locks.
How do you know that the seat is well anchored?
When transporting children in cars, it is just as important to ensure that the child seat is well anchored as it is to have the right child seat for their size, weight and characteristics.
Paddle is also inclusive
Thanks to the idea of a group of students from Loyola University, the Spanish Paddle Tennis Federation and our support, patients at the Hospital for the Paraplegic in Toledo will be able to enjoy this sport.
Fundación MAPFRE Monday
For children and young people living in the slums of Managua, Nicaragua, getting an education that will enable them to break the cycle of poverty is very difficult. The Pan y Amor school works to help them achieve this, to transform their lives. Fundación MAPFRE supports this project.
A recipe for employment integration
We gathered Carme Ruscalleda, chef with seven Michelin stars, and four students from the Escola d’Educació Especial Xaloc (Xaloc Special Education School) to prepare a monkfish “Romesquet”.
The wish tree
How do you imagine yourself or what do you want to be when you grow up? The boys and girls of Escola Vida Montserrat, a school that is part of the Catalan Association for Integration and Human Development (ACIDH), and the organization AURA have answered this question in front of the wish tree that has been installed in the exhibition V15IONES, at Torre MAPFRE, Barcelona.
A country strategy
With the aim of giving vocational training a strategic boost, the Vocational Training Alliance is born; a joint effort by institutions, companies, social and civil society organizations and the media to turn vocational training into a leverage for growth.
To fight against COVID-19, research and more research
President of the CSIC Rosa Menéndez, presented a plaque to Fundación MAPFRE in sign of their appreciation for the donation made at the beginning of the pandemic for research on COVID-19.
Art transforms and improves us
Art leaves no-one indifferent; it helps us to rebuild, to escape, to rest, to enjoy, to step outside our reality before returning to it. On Museum Day we invite you to get in touch with your feelings.
A new life at 30 km/h
On May 11, the new speed limits for driving on urban roads will come into force in Spain, a decrease in speed that aims to build friendlier cities, where all road users can coexist safely. We tell you the details of the new urban mobility.
Work and health in times of pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has changed many of our work habits. Remote working is here to stay and pandemic fatigue has multiplied daily stress. On World Day for Safety and Health at Work we tell you how to improve your physical and mental condition.
What are you waiting for?
Our Fundación MAPFRE Social Awards are aimed at individuals and organizations that dedicate their efforts and work to improving the lives of others. You can be one of the winners, there is still time. Send us your application before the 31st May.
Everything is in books
Everything – past, present and future – can be found in books. Choose a book, open it, start reading, relive old feelings, and experience new emotions. We invite you to join us in the magic of reading, of opening up your imagination, of creating a reality! Happy World Book Day!
One year growing together
11,300 volunteers. 1,637 activities. More than 170,000 people benefited in 28 countries. These 2020 figures say it all:we have more volunteers each year, and with them, we all grow.
A shared space
Cities are adopting new mobility formulas to allow all users to use public roads in an integrated manner. No matter how you get around, whether you are a pedestrian or a driver, whether you use your own vehicle or public transport, the city is a space in which we must all coexist and circulate safely.
Paint Jawlensky
Jawlensky’s paintings also fascinate children. His vivid colors attract children’s eyes and the characters that inhabit his paintings provoke their curiosity. Encourage your kids and participate together in the Instagram contest #PintaJawlensky by interpreting and recreating the works of the Russian painter!
Fundación MAPFRE’s red and white in Nicaragua
In these times of pandemic it is not easy to gather more than 300 people to celebrate solidarity and commitment. While following all anti-covid protocols, the Fundación Civil Hogar Luceros del Amanecer organized a leisure event in recognition of the work we do in the city of Camoapa.