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A musical perspective of Bill Brandt

A musical perspective of Bill Brandt

As part of our ‘Digital Art’ project and to celebrate Music Day, we are offering a unique proposition that combines Bill Brandt’s photography with a song composed by electronic band Delaporte especially for the occasion.

What is the Plus Test?

What is the Plus Test?

The Plus Test mark is a guarantee that the child’s neck will not be exposed to extreme forces, provided that the manufacturer’s installation instructions are followed to the letter.

How much information is generated and stored in the world?

How much information is generated and stored in the world?

If Internet usage figures were already monumental, with the pandemic they have increased even more. The more than 4.5 billion people in the world who have access to the Internet are constantly generating information. Considering the increase in content creation, we need reliable sources to turn to in order to obtain quality data, such as the data offered by our Documentation Center.

From Infinite to zero. This is how we did it

From Infinite to zero. This is how we did it

The book From Infinite to Zero. This is how we did it, which will be presented on June 16th, is the largest collective reflection in recent years on everything that has been done and all that remains to be done to achieve the goal of zero fatalities and serious casualties in the near future.