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Claudia Andujar’s catalog at Les Rencontres d’Arles

Claudia Andujar’s catalog at Les Rencontres d’Arles

For more than five decades, Claudia Andujar has dedicated her life and her work to documenting and protecting the Yanomami people, one of the largest and most endangered indigenous communities in Brazil. The catalog we published on the occasion of the artist’s exhibition in Barcelona between February 26 and May 23, 2021, was shortlisted for the Best Historical Book award at the Rencontres d’Arlés photography festival in France.

Save electricity by all means – but take care

Save electricity by all means – but take care

With the hike in electricity prices, you may be thinking of running the dishwasher and washing machine at night to make savings. If you’ve decided to put your appliances on the night-time tariff, make sure you take precautions to avoid any risks.

A musical perspective of Bill Brandt

A musical perspective of Bill Brandt

As part of our ‘Digital Art’ project and to celebrate Music Day, we are offering a unique proposition that combines Bill Brandt’s photography with a song composed by electronic band Delaporte especially for the occasion.