Education on road safety and mobility is a right
17 keys to bringing road safety to European schools

Road Safety
Road safety should be an important part of our daily lives. All of us, including children and young people, use the roads, either as the passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, or drivers of different kinds of vehicles. This responsibility should be shared amongst us all, with each person doing their bit. Given that as adults we are responsible for children in all areas of their lives, including their safety as public road users, safe mobility should be an important subject in their education.
All of the European countries have committed to including road safety education in their education programs, but as of today’s date, while some countries have indeed met this goal, others have still not rolled out these measures.
This report, drawn up by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV) and Fundación MAPFRE, seeks to facilitate, by means of 17 keys, the rolling out of the necessary educational measures in order for all European citizens, especially children and young people, to receive a high quality education on the subject of road safety and mobility.
Through examples demonstrating how these principles should be applied in practice, the 17 keys are grouped into five main themes:
- Ensuring the right to receive road safety and mobility education.
- Involving and supporting schools.
- Ensuring high quality education.
- Helping to facilitate the conditions for setting up these educational measures.
- Involving all social agents.
To learn about the 17 measures, please download this study. Educating our children about road safety is up to all of us.