International Volunteering Day
Your dedication transforms the world

Social Action
Every day thousands of people selflessly dedicate time and effort to supporting vulnerable groups in society. Their strength is their joy and their energy is unstoppable. Their example encourages us to take action and extend awareness of social causes in order to improve as a society, making sure to take care of and include everyone in it. They are the volunteers and today we want to recognize all their work.
At Fundación MAPFRE, we believe in volunteering and we support the creation in our communities of social awareness through different programs. Our Volunteering program has spent years helping our employees get involved in actions related to health, nutrition, education, the environment and emergency aid. We now boast 7333 volunteers in 26 countries who have carried out more than 1000 actions throughout 2017. Thanks to them, we were able to help millions of people.
Our experience allows us to support companies who want to offer an outlet for the volunteering and solidarity efforts within their organizations. With our Sé Solidario proyect, we help them roll out their corporate volunteering programs.
Sé Solidario also promotes specific actions to support the work of volunteers in small associations that dedicate their time to improving the lives of so many people in our society.
On International Volunteer Day we want to join in with recognizing the work of these volunteers. For their generosity and dedication. For their involvement and for showing us, day after day, that every act, however small, truly counts and contributes to making a change.