In memory of Doctor Vaquero
The scientist who gave hope to people with spinal cord injuries

Our relationship with Dr. Vaquero dates back to the 90’s, when his team of researchers asked us for support in conducting a study based on the use of stem cells for the treatment and regeneration of spinal cord injuries.
After more than 20 years of collaboration, the work carried out in his laboratory together with his faithful collaborators has led to the authorization of the NC1 drug in hospitals, which has opened a window of hope for thousands of people suffering from spinal cord injuries, and has meant a qualitative leap in the treatment of this type of pathology.
In the middle of last year, when the Spanish Medicine Agency issued the authorization for the hospital use of the NC1 drug, Dr. Vaquero expressed his greatest satisfaction: having managed to shift from a pessimistic view in which a paraplegic patient had no chance of improvement, to one in which many of the neurological damages can be reversed with new cell therapy techniques.
An international reference in the field of cell therapy, he participated in more than 80 projects, won 53 awards, directed more than 30 doctoral theses and worked tirelessly for the future: he dedicated his life to improving the life of others. We will always remember him.