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Here we tell you how COVID-19 affects driving

Road Safety
Since the Spanish Government decreed the State of Alarm on 15 March and the confinement of the population to their homes, the vast majority of Spanish citizens have had to leave their car parked and have only been able to use it in certain circumstances.
But now during the deconfinement process, there are more occasions when we need to use our vehicle and it is important to be well informed. If you are going to use your car, here we help to clarify the most frequent doubts regarding driving and COVID-19.
The first thing that must be clear is that all traffic rules remain in full force, so speed limits, road signs, or the ban on alcohol or other drugs have not changed and must be respected more than ever. At a time when hospitals are under great pressure, we must avoid adding to the burden.
However, there are many more questions we are all asking ourselves. Here we answer them:
- The effects of COVID-19 on the body can seriously affect driving. If you think you have the symptoms, do not drive.
- You are likely to be stopped by the police. Do not worry, stay calm, have your documents ready and pay attention to the policeman.
- If you share a car, be extremely careful with hygiene. A small space with several people inside, is the ideal place for the virus to spread.
- Can I drive my own car? Be well informed of the driving conditions for each deconfinement phase.
- How many people can travel in the car? Occupancy is more limited in Phase 1 in which all members of the same household are allowed to be in the car at the same time, but if any of the travelers do not live in the same household, they must travel two per row and wear a mask. As of Phase 2 these conditions are not so strict.
- What happens if the car’s MOT date expires? If your MOT expires during the state of alert, the period is automatically extended until 30 days after the end of the state of alert.
- My car has broken down, can I go to the garage? Yes, the repair shops may be open, but call first to find out.
- I am self-employed and cannot work. Is it possible to temporarily deregister my car? Yes, you can via the DGT website.
- What do I do if my driver’s license expires? Licenses that have expired during the state of alert are automatically extended for the duration of this situation and up to 60 days after.
- I was taking my driving license tests when the quarantine was imposed. What can I do? Not a problem, the government has ruled that the deadlines for taking the tests have been extended by the same time as the confinement.
If this information has been useful to you, please share it and if you need further information, you can consult the official website of the Traffic Directorate General.