The exhibition “From Chagall to Malevich: art in revolution” is coming to an end
You have until 5 May to visit the exhibition. Don’t miss out

Winter brought the avant-garde work of Russian painters from the beginning of the 20th century to our Recoletos Exhibition Hall, regaling us with the dynamic spirit which the revolution bestowed on the artistic movements that it inspired, during a period of unparalleled cultural splendor.
The exhibition takes us on a journey through 92 works from 29 revolutionary artists who threw out all the established norms and were forerunners of modernity in ways never seen before in Russia. Taking artists such as Marc Chagall and Kazimir Malévich as representative of two extremes in the innovation of the avant-garde in painting, in this exhibition we can enjoy another twenty-seven artists, including Natalia Goncharova, Lyubov Popova, El Lissitzky, Vassily Kandinsky and Alexandr Rodchenko.
With the arrival of spring, this exhibition is drawing to a close but will live on in the memories of everyone who had the opportunity to experience it.