Biscuits filled with hope
A nutritional supplement for people who lack basic food items

Social Action
The nutritional biscuit was an initiative carried out in collaboration with the Siro Group Foundation to distribute a total of two and a half million nutritional biscuits enriched with vitamins and minerals that helped cover the nutritional deficiencies of 25,000 families in Spain and Portugal. The biscuits were distributed to 55 food banks in 50 Spanish provinces.
As part of the actions carried out to get this pioneering food product to where it is most needed, the nutritional biscuit was distributed to nine social entities through the Sé Solidario project in Madrid, at the headquarters of Fundación MAPFRE, on Monday 27 September.
The parish of San Juan de Dios, the association El Pato Amarillo, the soup kitchen Obra Social Santa Mª Josefa, the association Creando Huellas, the Prolibertas Foundation, the association Futuro Cierto, San Vicente de Paul, Mensajeros de la Paz, and the ALTIUS Foundation are the entities that received the nutritional biscuits and were in charge of their distribution.
In Portugal, the following entities received the biscuits: Banco Alimentar contra a fome, Casa- Centro de apoio ao sem abrigo and Re-Food.
With this and many other similar actions, 25,000 families benefited from this product which, at a cost of only 30 cents (cost of 100 grams), guarantees 50 % of the vitamins and minerals a person needs per day.The product contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D and E, and folic acid, as well as proteins, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine and high fibre content.
We support families with food shortages through social associations that work alongside those that are most in need.