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15 results


When sanitation is a human right

When sanitation is a human right

Worldwide, 2.6 billion people lack access to safe toilets, a key issue for many aspects of the health and prosperity of both people and the planet. To combat this situation, US startup change: WATER Labs has developed the iThrone, a toilet that needs no water, no energy and no plumbing.

We present our most socially-minded awards

We present our most socially-minded awards

Once again, this year’s edition of our Social Awards came to an end with the prizes being presented by H.M. Queen Sofia, who recognized individuals, initiatives and organizations that, through their work, improve the world in which we live.

Social Innovation for transforming the world

Social Innovation for transforming the world

The fifth edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards concluded with a ceremony held at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid. More than 200 initiatives from 10 different countries, developed by scientists, researchers, university students and business schools, were submitted to the call. Discover the three winning projects.

It’s time to take action

It’s time to take action

The pandemic caused us to suspend these awards in 2020 in order to devote all our efforts to mitigate the consequences of the crisis caused by the coronavirus. In an event held at the Real Casino de Madrid, our Social Outreach Awards have returned with greater commitment and with the certainty that working together is the way to move forward and help others improve.

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Our Fundación MAPFRE Social Awards are aimed at individuals and organizations that dedicate their efforts and work to improving the lives of others. You can be one of the winners, there is still time. Send us your application before the 31st May.

And the winners are…

And the winners are…

In a ceremony held in digital format, we have closed the third edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards. The three winning projects will receive a prize of 30,000 euros each intended to boost their initiative and multiply their positive impact on society. Let us introduce them.

An opportunity for 26 promising projects

An opportunity for 26 promising projects

26 semi-finalist projects with exciting and inspiring proposals will participate in the third edition of our Social Innovation Awards. These initiatives, which propose effective solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges of our society, now have the opportunity shine.

We bid farewell to Margarita Salas

We bid farewell to Margarita Salas

Dedicated, pioneering, educational, passionate, courageous. There are of course so many more adjectives to describe this leading biologist in the field of science. Margarita Salas has died this morning at the age of 80.

Learn about the Novatores Virtual Library

Learn about the Novatores Virtual Library

The Novatores Virtual Library, which provides open access to the bibliography of 42 philosophers and scientists who made science and philosophy popular again in Spain was unveiled on 30 October.

An unstoppable wave of solidarity

An unstoppable wave of solidarity

In an increasingly socially aware and engaged society, our Social Outreach Awards seek to reward people and initiatives who stand out for their social involvement and for their generosity and solidarity. The winners of this edition collected their awards in a ceremony presided over by Her Majesty Queen Sofia.