Social Innovation Awards Finalist Projects

Twelve entrepreneurs from Spain, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and the United States will compete in the grand final

Twelve entrepreneurs from Spain, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and the United States will compete in the grand final

Although the choice was not easy, 12 projects were selected to participate in the final of our Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards.

From four geographical areas, Brazil, the rest of Latin America, Europe and, for the first time, the United States, the shortlisted projects provided viable, inclusive and sustainable solutions to problems related to health; aging populations; promoting the participation, value and contribution of older adults; the prevention of unintentional injuries; and safe and sustainable mobility.

The finalists, who came from Spain, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and the United States, took part in the Grand Final and have become part of Red Innova, the community of entrepreneurs that promotes the exchange of expert knowledge.


Seebot, un semáforo inteligente que guía a personas con discapacidad visual

Category: Prevention and Mobility

Seebot is a smart traffic light that guides visually impaired people, ensuring their safety and independence in urban environments.

Talento Sênior, un ecosistema laboral que pone en contacto a personas mayores de 55 años con empresas emergentes para ofrecerles una oportunidad laboral

Category: Silver Economy

Talento Sênior, or Senior Talent, is an employment ecosystem that connects people over the age of 55 with emerging companies to offer them job opportunities that meet their needs and make the most of their talents.

Altrum, un desarrollador de prótesis craneales con impresoras 3D

Category: Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health)

Altrum uses 3D printers to develop cranial prostheses for cancer and trauma patients that can reduce the waiting time and cost of surgery by up to ten times while improving the patients’ quality of life.


TUK TUK Solar (Guatemala), mototaxis que están propulsados por energía eléctrica y solar a través de paneles fotovoltaicos situados en el techo del vehículo

Category: Prevention and Mobility

TUK TUK Solar (Guatemala) offers motorised rickshaw taxis powered by electric and solar energy via photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the vehicle, making them a great example of sustainable mobility.

Conecta Mayor 2.0 (Chile), una aplicación diseñada para personas mayores no digitalizadas

Category: Silver Economy

Conecta Mayor 2.0 (Chile) is an app designed for non-digitalized seniors to bridge the digital divide and promote their independence and social integration.

Palpa (Chile), una esponja de ducha que permite a la mujer examinarse la mama y reconocer un tumor con mayor facilidad

Category: Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health)

Palpa (Chile) is a shower sponge that allows women to examine their breasts and recognize a tumor more easily.


Unleash Future Boats (Alemania), un kit de conversión para propulsar barcos y buques con hidrógeno verde y sustituir los motores diésel

Category: Prevention and Mobility

Unleash Future Boats (Germany) is a conversion kit for powering boats and ships with green hydrogenand replacing diesel engines. The goal is to provide shipyards around the world with a completely emissions-free system that contributes to decarbonization and the protection of the planet.

LUP, presenta una aplicación digital que facilita la lectura a personas con dificultades para hacerlo

Category: Silver Economy

LUP, presents a digital app that facilitates reading for people with reading difficulties, due to visual impairment or dyslexia, for example. The app converts a text or a photograph into a voice file in less than two seconds and can even translate it into more than 30 languages.

Aceleradora Unoentrecienmil (España), que promueve el ejercicio físico como terapia para mejorar y acelerar la recuperación de niños y adolescentes con cáncer

Category: Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health)

Unoentrecienmil Accelerator (Spain) promotes physical exercise as therapy for improving and accelerating the recovery of children and young people with cancer. The initiative originated in a therapy unit in Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid) that cares for hospitalized children. The unit has developed a digital tool that allows therapy to be provided in other healthcare centers and also facilitates research into the effects of treatment in other locations.


Sistema de puntos y recompensas para concienciar a los conductores sobre la importancia de no utilizar el móvil al volante y contribuir a reducir la siniestralidad vial

Category: Prevention and Mobility

TASL, an acronym for This App Saves Lives, is a points and rewards system designed to raise awareness among driversof the importance of not using a cell phone at the wheel and to help reduce road accidents.

FallCall Solutions, una aplicación de Apple Watch, iPhone y Android, destinada a personas mayores y cuidadores

Category: Silver Economy

FallCall Detect is an app built on Apple Watch intended for seniors and caregivers that deploys patented fall detection to determine severity of falls. It aims to make emergency monitoring more accessible globally and is developing artificial intelligence that recognizes abnormal ambulation associated with fall risk.

Immersive Design, un maniquí virtual para formar a personal sanitario antes distintas complejidades médicas infantiles

Category: Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health)

Immersive Design, a virtual mannequin for training doctors in various infant medical complexities and for reducing clinical risk in newborns and children.