Semifinalist projects in LATAM
The region promotes itself as a laboratory for civil innovation

Category: Improvements in health and digital technology (e-Health)
Mobile dental surgeries in the workplace for employees and low-income families in companies whose owners are committed to the wellbeing of their workers.

Category: Improvements in health and digital technology (e-Health)
Orthoses for people with atrophied hands caused by a variety of reasons, so that they gain the autonomy to perform everyday tasks.

Category: Improvements in health and digital technology (e-Health)
Fabrilab develops cosmetic and functional solutions for people with physical disabilities using 3D printing and other technologies. As of today, FABRILAB has delivered 72 prostheses to children from low-income families in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Panama.

Category: Innovation in insurance
Platform for analyzing places that are susceptible or exposed to natural disasters in Peru. Its purpose is for the local population to understand the natural dangers to which they are exposed and to get to know the safe areas and collection points from which the government will distribute provisions.

Category: Innovation in insurance
A platform that seeks to integrate millions of low-income workers in Mexico into the financial system, especially domestic employees, through health and savings protection, with the aim of improving their quality of life.

Category: Innovation in insurance
An application that links patterns of expenditure and consumption to new habits of saving for retirement. It offers the chance to save and invest for the future through consumption with the ease that technology and strategic alliances can offer.

Category: Mobility and road safety
A mobile app that seeks to implement road safety education into Colombia’s schools, in a dynamic, entertaining, effective and different way, adapting learning methods to children’s ages and motivating them through gamification techniques.

Category: Mobility and road safety
A smart guidance application that adapts public service areas through a positioning system which uses beacon technology and a platform that manages structural and functional information about spaces, allowing those who are blind or visually impaired to orientate themselves through voice messages.

Category: Mobility and road safety
Application intended for cyclists so that they make use of safer routes, and allows them to take advantage of illuminative experiences to avoid dangerous situations. The system also involves a glove equipped with LED lights that indicate recommended routes.