Semifinalist projects for Social Innovation Awards
27 projects to meet the challenges faced by society today

We are proud that the first call for the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards has been a resounding success, with a total of 462 projects submitted. Out of all of them, 27 projects have been selected as semifinalists. Find out more about them.
All of the semifinalist projects highlight a reality: innovative proposals are needed in order to improve the world in which we live. Globalization and the technological revolution are generating economic and social changes that call for new responses. To meet these new needs, entrepreneurial initiatives are emerging that focus on solving specific problems, mainly through technological innovation.
Social responsibility, the green economy, sustainability and inclusion are concepts that go hand- in-hand with social innovation, as is a sense of global spirit. All of the projects selected for the semifinals of our awards unite all of the characteristics that define social innovation. They are each transformers in their areas of operation that seek to generate a benefit or a positive impact on society and the environment.
Of the 27 projects selected to take part in the three semifinals to be held between July and September, only nine will be lucky enough to go through to the grand final that will take place in October in Madrid.