First edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation

Talent applied to solving real-life problems

Talent applied to solving real-life problems

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The Social Innovation Awards started with all the indicators for success, the projects addressed innovative ideas, using new technologies and boasting a strong social commitment. Such a winning combination would inevitably bring about inspiring outcomes although the reality in fact exceeded all our expectations.

Out of the vast number of projects received, nearly 500 fulfilled the requirements for entry into the competition and virtually all of them displayed a fantastic mix of talent and commitment. At this point, the experts faced the difficult task of choosing the best projects from among all the top quality projects submitted. Months later, three were chosen as the final winners.

We want you to find out more about the competing projects. All of them are transformative proposals.

These are the winning projects from the first Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovationplay Ok, close “Only those with big questions, big concerns and big dreams can come up with big ideas. These are the big ideas that can improve our world” declared Helena Diez Fuentes, the master of ceremonies for the first edition of our awards ceremony. Three projects have been named as the champions of this race in which Social Innovation has been the ultimate protagonist. The ability of these projects to transform and improve the lives of those around them has not been the only factor up for consideration. The judging panel, comprising directors, stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem and social investors, evaluated the innovative potential and the social impact, the scalability and viability of the projects, as well as the abilities and experience of the team. Because viability is one of the key ways to change the world. This ceremony, held in the Fundación Giner de los Ríos auditorium in Madrid, highlighted the high quality of the finalist projects thanks to their innovative contributions to solving certain social problems that require groundbreaking solutions. In order to reach the final, all of these projets have had to compete with around 500 projects and win their respective regional semifinals, held in Sao Paolo (for the Brazil Region) Mexico City (for the rest of Latin America) and in Madrid for the European projects. The 9 startup finalists have demonstrated their transformative potential, their important social impact and their commitment to improving the world in the areas of health, mobility and insurance as a risk-protection industry. The three projects chosen fulfilled the expectations of these awards many times over. In the words of Conchita Galdón, director of Social Innovation at IE, " the three winners are perfect examples of the society we want to help to build with these awards, a society in which technology and innovation are at the service of those who need it most”. The awards, given out by Ana Lima, Secretary of State for Social Services, and Antonio Huertas, Chairman of Fundación MAPFRE, went to the following projects. Scoobic (Spain) Scoobic (Spain) Category: Mobility and road safety The promoters of this “logistics with a heart” project tell us about their experiences as the winners of our Award. Mjn Neuroserveis (Spain) Mjn Neuroserveis (Spain) Category: Improvements in health and digital technology (e-Health) The founders of this project share their experience in the competition with us. Comunidad 4uno (Mexico) Comunidad 4uno (Mexico) Category: Innovation in insurance Thanks to this award, their goal of helping workers around the world is closer to being realized. This is what they have told us. The winners in each category have received aprize of 30,000 euros in order to give their projects the boost they need. The remaining finalists have received a diploma given to them by Conchita Galdón, director of Social Innovation at IE and Mercedes Sanz, Director of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation. The ceremony was brought to a close by Ana Lima and thus ends the first edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation. In the words of the Secretary of State for Social Services, these awards are of such a high value given that “it is time for dialogue and the search for collaborative solutions”. And it is also the right moment to focus on the second edition of these awards. In the words of Antonio Huertas: “Today we have met the three winners but behind this there have been 500 innovative projects committed to society. These awards have found a way to promote talent together with a commitment to society. The success of this call strengthens our commitment to launching a second edition of these awards focusing on social causes in the following weeks”. mail facebook twitter Innovation Awards Bases and selection criteria

On 17 October 2018 the grand final of this edition was held. The three projects chosen as winners are a clear example of how private entrepreneurial actions, with a strong commitment to society, the future and people, can become agents of social transformation.

We present the projects that have a chance of winning the Grand Final

Nine projects were chosen to compete in the final stage of the competition and they received training for the final which was held in Madrid on 17 October 2018.

27 projects to meet the challenges faced by society today
Te presentamos los proyectos que llegaron a las semifinales. 27 iniciativas transformadoras en sus ámbitos de actuación, que pueden replicarse a nivel internacional y que generan un impacto positivo en nuestra sociedad. Descúbrelos.