KBr Flama 22

Young people from photography schools: Grisart, Idep Barcelona, IEFC and Elisava, Faculty of Design and Engineering in Barcelona

OCT.05.2022          JAN.15.2023

Los santos inocentes, 2019

Guillermo Fernández
Series The Holy Innocents, 2019
© Guillermo Fernández



OCT.05.2022        JAN.15.2023


KBr Photography Center​
Avenida Litoral, 30 – 08005 Barcelona

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The KBr Flama project was conceived with the clear objective of highlighting the youngest talent emerging from Barcelona’s photography schools. To achieve this goal, the Fundación MAPFRE KBr Flama 22 photography center has partnered with Grisart, Idep Barcelona, IEFC and Elisava, Faculty of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, four academic institutions committed to the teaching and study of photography. The exhibition KBr Flama 22 is the second edition of this project and presents the works of Nanouch Congost (Girona, 1999), Guillermo Fernández (Granada, 1991), Jordi Miquel Riera (Girona, 1977) and Sílvia Parés (Vic, 1997). Their projects were selected after a meticulous viewing process, with a judging panel comprising Horacio Fernández, Carles Guerra, Joana Hurtado and Arianna Rinaldo. 

The exhibition KBr Flama 22 presents four projects that deal with different aspects ranging from the photographers’ immediate environment –whether geographical or intimate– to research on the manipulation of time and its unfolding, as well as the relationship between sound and image. Nanouch Congost starts from the absent relationship with her father and generates an expanded portrait of several people close to her and their parent-child relationships. Guillermo Fernández directs his gaze towards the contemporary reality of the province of Granada, the current “kingdom” of marijuana, with a sequence of night photographs that reveal what transpires in the nocturnal comings and goings. Jordi Miquel Riera proposes an associative experience between image and sound, through the direct relationship between these two stimuli in one series and in a more experimental and imaginative way in others. Sílvia Parés presents a lengthy investigation of the manipulation of the weather and chemtrails, based on alleged conspiracy theories of climate geoengineering.

“papa” [Father], by Nanouch Congost: this arises from the author’s inner search for her own identity. Realizing the influence that the parent-child relationship has had on the development of her personality, Congost begins to analyze what the reality of this relationship is and what this direct influence on our behavior means, even if it is that of an absent father, as is the case here. The project is made up of a series of interviews, archival material and portraits that the author takes of the participants when they think of their parents.

Los santos inocentes [The Holy Innocents], by Guillermo Fernández: this is a photographic account of the contemporary province of Granada. A unique look at what makes Granada a kingdom again: marijuana. The author explores the shift from night to day in a depressed rural area close to the city and reveals this off-the-grid economic activity to which the “lost generation” is forced to dedicate itself after the 2008 crisis and the popping of the real estate bubble.

Modus imaginis, by Jordi Miquel Riera: this work is inspired by the desire to explore the limits of photographic expression and its potential to suggest the senses. Through three photographic series, the author correlates sight and hearing, sensory faculties based on the perception of stimuli through waves, light in the first case and sound in the second. The project explores the possibilities of photography for capturing not only visual moments, but also instants of sound.

Owning the Weather, by Sílvia Parés: this begins with a skeptical look at the sky, which leads to an investigation of the phenomenon of weather manipulation. The author embarks on a journey tracing the conspiracy surrounding so-called chemtrails (chemical trails released by aircraft engines) and the facts that tell the story of climate engineering, to explore the past, think about the present and imagine the future of our skies.

If you would like to contact the Communication Department to request the press dossier, high-resolution images or for any other matter, please complete the form below, giving the name of the medium/media for which you require this information.

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