Panamá © Graciela Iturbide, 2020 © Fundación MAPFRE COLLECTIONS

Graciela Iturbide
Panamá, 1977
© Graciela Iturbide, 2020


Graciela Iturbide

Mexico City, 1942

Entry date: 2011

Origin: Graciela Iturbide


Gelatin silver print


Measurements of printed area: 29,5 x 43,8 cm (11 5/8 x 17 1/4 in.)
Paper size: 40,6 x 50,5 cm (16 x 19 7/8 in.)



Subject / Document

Author’s copy


Symbols, rites, death, communities and the mutual understanding needed to photograph them  —like in Juchitán de las mujeres [Juchitán of the women] (1994) and Graciela Iturbide: Juchitán (2008); festivals and parties and the nonchalance of those who are perfectly comfortable posing for the camera —in Chalma; the trip to photograph the goat slaughter —En el nombre del padre [In the Name of the Father] (1993); the silence after photographing gardens, such as the Oaxaca botanical gardens —Narurata (2004), and their plants during the healing process, with veils, IV fluids and string to make them grow straight; the Seri Indians of Sonora; the Chalma and Juchitán festivals; the birds that always accompany her and even form part of an emblematic self-portrait where the artist appears with the birds reflected in her eyes, one alive and one dead…etc. Every image reminds us of what is essential: life, death and pleasure. What makes humans human and the world, the world.

Fundación MAPFRE first acquired Iturbide’s work (16 artists’ copies) in 2008, and expanded its collection in 2011 with the acquisition of 169 works of the same nature, thus compiling a solid biography of the artist’s career within the collection.

Fundación MAPFRE staged an extensive retrospective in 2009 and two years later in 2011 her work was exhibited again, also in collaboration with Fundación MAPFRE, in an essential forum for the photography world, the Rencontres de Arles, which had already given her an award back in 1991.


Graciela Iturbide catalogs

Avándaro. México City: Editorial Diógenes, 1971. (Text by Luis Carrión)
Los que viven en la arena. México City: Instituto Nacional Indigenista, 1981. (Text by Luis Barajas)
Sueños de papel. México City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1985. (Text by Verónica Volkow)
Tabasco, una cultura del agua. Tabasco: Gobierno del Estado de Tabasco, 1985.
Juchitán de las mujeres. México City: Ediciones Toledo, 1989. (Text by Elena Poniatowska)
External Encounters, Internal Imaginings: Photographs by Graciela Iturbide. (Bilingual Spanish/English edition). San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1990. (Text by Diana C. du Pont)
En el nombre del padre. México City: Ediciones Toledo, 1993. (Text by Osvaldo Sánchez)
Graciela Iturbide. México City: Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes / Fotoseptiembre, 1993 (Texts by Gerardo Estrada, Christian Cajoulle, Ted Joans)
Graciela Iturbide. Madrid: Fundación Arte y Tecnología/Telefónica, 1993. (Text and interview by Manuel García)
Luz y Luna, Las Lunitas: Fotografias De Graciela Iturbide. México City: Ediciones Era, 1994. (Text by Elena Poniatowska)
Fiesta und Ritual. Zurich: Benteli-Werd Verlag A.G, 1994 (Texts by Erika Billeter and Verónica Volkow)
Graciela Iturbide: La forma y la memoria. Monterrey: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, 1996. (Text by Carlos Monsiváis)
Graciela Iturbide. Imágenes del espíritu / Images of Spirit. New York: Aperture, 1998 (Texts by Roberto Tejada and Alfredo López Austin)
Pájaros. San Francisco: Twin Palms Publishers, 2002. (Text by José Luis Ribas)
India México: Vientos Paralelos. Graciela Iturbide, Raghu Rai, Sebastiao Salgado. Antiguo Colegio De San Ildefonso, 2002. (Text by Pablo Ortiz Monasterio)
Naturata. Graciela Iturbide (1996-2004). México City / París: Galería López Quiroga / Toluca Editions, 2004. (Text by Fabio Morábito)
Eyes to Fly With / Ojos para Volar. Austin: Texas State University-San Marcos, 2006
Juchitán. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2008. (Text by Judith Keller)
El baño de Frida Kahlo. México D.F: Galería López Quiroga/Editorial RM/Rose Galler 2008. (Text by Mario Bellatín)
Torrijos the Man and the Myth / El mito y el hombre. New York: Umbrage Editions, 2008. (Text by Gabriel García Márquez)
Graciela Iturbide. The Hasselblad Award 2008. Göttingen / Gothenburg: Steidl / Hasselblad Foundation, 2008. (Text by Colin Westerbeck)
Asor. Göttingen: Little Steidl, 2009

Studies on Graciela Iturbide and group exhibition catalogs

Compañeras de México: Women Photograph Women (Exh. Cat.). Riverside, California: University Art Gallery, University of California, 1990. (Texts by Amy Conger and Elena Poniatowska)
Fabienne Bradu, Graciela Iturbide habla con Fabienne Bradu. Madrid: La Fábrica and Fundación Telefónica, 2003
México D.F. (Exh. Cat.). México City: Galería López Quiroga, 2004
Nan Richardson (ed.) Conversations with Contemporary Photographers. New York: Umbrage Editions, 2005. (Interview with Fabienne Bradu)
María Eladia Hagerman (ed.). Babel: A Film by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Fotografías de Mary Ellen Mark, Patrick Bard, Graciela Iturbide y Miquel Rio Branco. Köln: Taschen, 2006
Marta Gili, Graciela Iturbide. London: Phaidon, 2007
VV.AA. Five Pioneers of Photography. London: Phaidon, 2008. (Box with five volumes; text by Cuauhtemoc Medina about Graciela Iturbide)

Studies and catalogs on Mexican photography

Francisco Reyes Palmas. Memoria del tiempo: 150 años de fotografía en México. (Exh. Cat.) México City: Museo de Arte Moderno, INBA, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1989
Arthut Ollman. Other Images, Other Realities. Mexican Photography Since 1930 (Exh. Cat.). Houston: Sewall Art Gallery, Rice University, 1990
Rafael Doctor y Patricia Mendoza. Territorios singulares. Fotografía contemporánea mexicana. Madrid: Consejería de Educación y Cultura, 1997
Trisha Ziff (ed.) Between Worlds: Contemporary Mexican Photography (Exh. Cat.). Nueva York: New Amsterdam Books, 1990
Olivier Debroise, Fuga Mexicana. Un recorrido por la fotografía en México. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2005
Juan Manuel Aurrecoechea, Armando Bartra y Alfonso Morales. Iconofagia. Imaginería Fotográfica mexicana del siglo XX (Exh. Cat.). Madrid: Consejería de Cultura y Deportes, 2005.

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